PHP Serbia 2020 presents the full list of this year’s speakers
PHP Serbia 2020 attendees, we got some good information coming your way! Time flies… Thank you to everyone who participated in the voting process during the Community Selected Talks process. Program Committee had a lot of work to do because #phpsrb has received more submissions than ever before! Over 320 - the new record.
We have some news for you - the PHP Serbia 2020 speakers list is LIVE now!
Some of the experts in the PHP world will come together at one place at the same time – traditionally in Belgrade. Our speakers will share their know-how and give you some of their special tips & tricks.
In addition, you’ll have an opportunity to hear all about new trends & topics, and some future predictions for the global IT scene.
There are more things in the works, also, we’ll cover some of the other tech industry’s hot topics, so stay tuned and see what we’re preparing for you. Soon we will publish a full list of the talks and the topics - choose your favorites.
Preparations for the 8th edition of the annual PHP Serbia Conference are in full swing. Keep an eye on the speakers and their talks, lots of news and info is coming.