Alexander Lisachenko

Alexander Lisachenko Alexander Lisachenko's' country flag

Head of Software Architecture

Alexander is working at Alpari (RU), one of the biggest FX Broker, as the Head of Software Architecture. He is author and project leader of the open-source aspect-oriented framework Go! AOP and also a passionate FOSS PHP developer, speaker at conferences, guru in Enterprise Architecture. He likes to discuss complex systems and have a strong knowledge in computer science, electronics and of course in PHP. He likes to bring cutting-edge IT solutions to non-technical businesses for optimizing processes and solving complex issues.

His slogan is: nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

Speaker's talks

  • Escaping from OOP boundaries

    Regular talk Advanced

    Join me and I will show you hidden ways to escape your existing OOP boundaries and teach you new advanced patterns that can help you in daily code development.